
This site is a personal blog.

It's my world & has my work
  • About :
    • This page, basic info & others
  • Work :
    • Tech blogs, investment related
  • Self :
    • All kinds of fragments in mind
    • Serious  ||  Pretentious articles
    • Please read About Readers first
  • Tags :
    • Tag cloud used to classification
    • ( Actually it's for being cool ...
Some Tips

This blog is completely open source and its contents are subject to change after publication, which are tracked on GitHub.

Switch from EN to CN in the menu bar to view Chinese contents (contents are different and not updated synchronously)

  • Pages that exist in Chinese will be redirected to the Chinese version
  • Other pages will be redirected to the Chinese version's homepage

Default language of this site is English. The Chinese-first parallel site is here.

For my other websites[1] please see Links at the bottom of this page.


You can subscribe to this site's RSS feed for free using the link below[2]:


Everything on this blog is my personal opinion. If there is a copyright problem with related resources, please contact me to delete.

Welcome to my GitHub. Have a nice day!

  1. Knowledge Library, File List, ChatGPT mirror site, etc. 

  2. Usually through online services such as feedly or clients such as reeder